There is a certain enjoyment that I get from being in Poland. It may be because I was born there and most of my closest friends and all my family live there, but I always feel happy when I am there.
It is both difficult and easy for me to describe the experience I have when I go back home to Poland.
The first place that I usually go is to my grandmothers house where most of my memories come from. My grandmother has a farm and lives in a not so large tourist town. There is a lot of wild beaches and a lot of forest. I like to walk everywhere I go because I don't exactly have a car, but also because I like to be able to look at everything and how much it has stayed the same over time. I am always able to see the place where I fell into a red ant hill and had my legs covered in bites, the place where I used to run around in the forest because there was a lot of freedom, the tower where hunters can spot wild hogs and other animals they maybe hunting that I used to go up because it was so high up you could see for miles.
I also enjoy seeing my friends because when we get back together after a long time of being apart it always feels like no time has passed at all.
Or even when I am in my home town, walking the streets and knowing where I am makes me happy, seeing my old elementary school or even seeing the park where I rollerbladed with my mom brings back memories to me that I can't let go of.
All these things that I hold dear in my heart I will know that I can at any time return to.
I know that if I need a place to stay my family will welcome me with open arms, or if I need someone to talk to my friends will crack open a beer and a bag of chips that we will drink and eat while talking about thoughts feelings and so on.
I know my puppy will always greet me when I come through my grandmothers gate and be excited that I am there.
A feeling of welcome is always something that makes a person want to be somewhere.
Wroclaw 2011 |
Miedzyzdroje 2008 |
Warszawa Palac Kultury |
18th Birthday |
Grandmothers Garden |
Cake |
Rode that leads to home |
Polska 2010 |
Rynek, Wroclaw 2010 |
Train to the sky |
Pobierowo 2010 |
niema to jak polska <3