I have always been a strong believer in philanthropy.
From buying these heart stickers as a little girl to help raise money for sick children in Poland with
(click on the link above to donate, google has translator to help with language barriers)
Even when I did move to the United States my best friends whom I would write letters with would send me these stickers.
When I came to college I learned a little bit more on how to be able to help save the world. I started by joining the Make a Wish Foundation at my school where students came together to raise money to grant one wish to a dying child.
It has been very important for me to give back to the world.
Almost 10 years ago my younger cousin who was at the time 6 years old was diagnosed with lung cancer and because I was so young and did not understand much of what was happening and because I was half way around the world away from him there was nothing I could do, I wished and prayed that he would get better. My prayers were answered after a long time of hearing about all the things happening in the hospital.
From then I knew that I wanted to somehow be able to help others in the best way that I knew how.
In 2010 I learned in my sorority about Relay for Life, yes I have heard about it before, but I never really knew what it was exactly. I signed up the moment I knew that this was near and dear to my heart. I stayed at relay for 26 hours in 2010 walking with friends who supported me and the cause. In 2011 I signed up for the second year in a row knowing that I had to help as much as I could together with my school we were able to raise $33,821.96 and I was able to walk 26 hours for the second time.
I have done other things as well such as marches for breast cancer, helping Habitat for Humanity, working with Reading is Fundamental, and participating in many other philanthropic events.
Now I am thinking of other ways to save the world and something that I have always thought was a big way was to
Plankton, yes that little one eyed dude that was on the famous cartoon Spongebob.
What many people may not know is that Plankton are very important to our world. And unfortunately they are on the very bottom of the food chain, I am not saying go kill whales.
Plankton absorb over 50% of all the CO2 that we produce by burning fossil fuels and producing about 90% of our air. How does this happen you may ask? Well plankton float on top of water, meaning they float on top of all of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and any other fresh water watering hole you may find. Plankton are like plants and they survive by taking in sunlight, CO2 and water and creating air out of it, there are other ways that different kinds of plankton do this, but I will not get into detail on those.
Plankton are killed daily in large numbers by being captured in nets, burning from the ozone layer, and even from the garbage they may come upon that falls into the oceans.
A way you can help save plankton and save our planet in more ways than just SLOWING OR POTENTIALLY STOPING GLOBAL WARMING or even CREATING FRESH AIR TO BREATH WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT TREES, you can drive your car less often, walk or ride your bike to where you want to get because it's also good for your health, you can make sure to recycle, cut up plastic can net things to not hurt animals, or even by buying reusable water bottles instead of buying that 24 pack of waters that you will throw the plastic bottles away into normal trash anyway.
If you would like to donate to any of the organizations click on the name that is attached to a link.
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