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Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I've been thinking a lot recently about friends, who they are, what they do, and any other gory details friends might bring along for the ride. 
Friends come in all different forms shapes and sizes.

Such as in your pets....

Whether their much younger...

Or an inanimate object.

Friends are always there for you!
I know that I appreciate my friends each and every day because I know that  if something were to happen to me, they would be there for me.
One thing that I have learned over the years is that even if your mad at your friends and you get in a fight, there is always a way to figure out a solution to the problem or overcome the past. There is always a chance to move on. 
You do silly things with friends...
And you can always get away with it. They stand next to you when others call you names and back you up by saying "Ah screw them!" when you need to hear it. I know that I have counted on my friends on many occasions for that kind of help.

I am always willing to do anything for my friends because what would a person do without them.

Friends always tell you the truth when you want it, even though it may hurt at the time. 
You learn to move on and to fix yourself because they have the guts to break your heart. 
Sometimes they make mistakes too, but learn to forgive even though it is not always easy to forget. 

So what I am trying to say is appreciate your friends! Sometimes it is better to just stop being so hard headed and be the first to speak if you get in an argument, and sometimes it is best if you just listen while they cry. No matter what there is a friend for everyone in some way shape or form.

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