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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Everything Has it's Purpose.

I am soon moving out of my current apartment, and it of course means that I need to pack all my things, get rid of anything that will become a burden, and organize what I would like to keep in order to create less stress.
I looked at cleaning out my closet as a sort of way of organizing my life. My clothes have a history with me and it is always difficult to move on from what was in the past. You always think "well maybe one day..." but that one day never comes, and the memories just stay.
Some times when you clean out your closet you just want to forget about the things that happened in your life. In a sense you make peace with what happened, and you let your last feelings fly for those events. There are also those events that you want to remember for ever and keep them in your memory so that you can feel the same feelings, and practically smell the same air as you did during those moments.
While living  life in the past is not good and neither is ignorance of what you have gone through in life. It is always good to organize your thoughts of the past and what you hope for the future.
My life has taken me all around the world and has brought many people, some whom I cant live a day without, others who I wish to not see ever again, and those that despite my feelings towards them will probably never go away.

By "CLEANING OUT MY CLOSET" or otherwise organizing my thoughts I make peace with myself that everything happens for a reason and if I don't know that reason right now, one day I will know it and I will become a better human because of it.

The video is by a Polish rap group Jeden Osiem L called "Jak Zapomniec" meaning "How to Forget" I think this song is good in explaining my thoughts on how hard it is to forget and how some things just stay forever no matter how much you want them to be gone. 

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