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Sunday, May 8, 2011

~Una buona mamma vale cento maestre~

Literally translating to: A good mother is worth a hundred teachers. From Italian to English.
Today in the United States is Mothers day, the day we celebrate our caregivers, the women who carried us in their womb through pregnancy, who would go through any length for our life to be good.
 Some mothers may have done that by putting their child up for adoption, all while knowing that adoption was the right thing and the way to give her child a better future.
 Mothers come in all shapes sizes, and not all of them may have the same DNA as you, but they cared for you, and will continue caring until the end. Sometimes what is "CARING" may not feel like caring, but preventing you from doing something that you may want to do, but in the future you will know that there was a reason to that prevention no matter what it may be. 
Our mothers spend their entire life keeping us, their children, on their mind in some way, shape, or form.
So instead of thinking "OMG this is just another one of those holidays created by the greeting card companies" stop and think about all the things your mother did for you, whoever this mother figure may be. And to a mother, a present worth absolutely nothing, as long as it comes from the heart means everything in the world.
So I say:

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