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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Voyage thus far!

Okay so I understand that my posts have not been posting, and I don't know why.
So I was able to get on the ship without any problems. My room is very small it has 2 beds a small Tv that is literally 5 inches by 5 inches a tiny fridge and a descent bathroom for the size of the room. My roommates name is Vicki and I am so excited that she is my roommate because we get along very well.
So the voyage from Nassau, Bahamas to Gibraltar was great we had no extremely sized waves.
Classes on the other hand are hard, I have 10-20 pages of reading everyday per class so I'm taking 3 classes so I have about 60+/- pages of reading depending on the chapter that we have to read. I had classes for the first 12 days and then we got to Barcelona, I already had a test in 2 classes and on class has quizzes every other day.
When we got to Barcelona, Espania I walked out of the boat with 2 other girls that I got to know through class just knowing each other over time (the rest of our friends went on field trips that they previously signed up for). We walk all over La Rambla and went to the Boquaria market (it might be spelled differently, but I don't have much time to write this).
Barcelona is beautiful with historical buildings everywhere you go. I was sure to see Sagrada Familia, Bari Gotic, La Rambla, the Beaches, and of course the night clubs.  On one of the nights me and the girls went to see Kaskade, a famous DJ in Opium night club. We met a lot of people from all around the world in Barcelona and loved each and every moment.
So pretty much we spent our nights in Disco's and our days walking, lets just say I walked so much that if it all added up I could probably cross a State maybe even more.
I am right now in Rome, Italy. I met with my mother today and we are staying together in Rome near the Trevi fountain.
Before coming to Rome I was in Napoli a city south of Rome in the Campania region of Italy. I went on a tour of a winery there, one of the oldest that is also protected by the Italian government as an Archeological site. I also went the Museu de Archeologica in Napoli where artifacts from Pompeii are being exhibited, but due to protests I was unable to see those artifacts. I was also able to take my friends out to Pizza at Pizza Brandi (the restaurant where Pizza was originated in the 18th century)

Thank You to the Key Family for not only telling me about Semester at Sea, but for treating me and my friends to the great Pizza Margherita!

I am very tan and very very happy with what is happening in my life. I feel so proud to be able to do this and I hope that you are all proud of me.
My next stop is Dubrovnik Croatia. I will write again when possible.
If you would like to you can email me at:

Sending you all greetings and Love!!!

Photos are coming Soon...

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