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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The end... Im going home!

The rest of my time spent in Morocco was not as eventful I ended up just walking around the souks and the main square.
When I got back to the ship from Marrakech I knew I was entering a new faze of my voyage, the time where I was preparing to get off the ship, going home.
I had mixed emotions about coming home because on the one hand I was happy to be coming back to my family, my own bed, and a wider variety of clothes which I missed. But I was sad because I felt like I just made some of the best friendships that I have ever had.
I finished my final exams with passing grades of course, actually I got quite good grades.
We had a gender bender performance and convocation for the graduating seniors and all of us who were becoming Alumni, and of course we had the Alumni Ball.
We were served a beautiful formal dinner all of us dressed in our best attire. The Captain of the Ship Captain Krstanovic who took photos and was present at both dinners for all 650 of us.
I ordered the Steak with the Bruschetta appetizer. The food was delicious.
After the dinner was a dance party on the pool deck where one of my friends who is a DJ played music for us all.
We had a blast until 11:10pm when they made us stop the music, but everyone decided that they wanted to stay out longer so everyone sang songs together, it was a very exciting moment and I felt like we all were sort of united after the long time we spent together. It was also a little sad because it felt like we were saying good bye.
The next following days I spent packing and mentally preparing to go home, but I don't think that it is possible for me to go home.
I am never home, I am always at another stage in my life that is leading me to an unknown destination.
I flew home at 4 pm on Saturday August 20th. I arrived at Palm Springs airport at 9:30ish pm and was picked up by Tom, whom I am very thankful for picking me up and helping me tremendously in preparing for this whole trip!!!
I entered an empty home because my mom was out of town until the next day. I went straight to sleep because I was so tired from all the excitement of being home and all the traveling that I have been doing.
Right now, I am taking life slowly, making sure that I have all my priorities in order before I make any rash decisions. What will happen I do not know.. but time will tell... hopefully another adventure that I can cherish in my memories forever.

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